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To take a personality assessment, follow these steps:

  1. Read Each Statement: Carefully read each statement in the assessment to understand what it describes about personality traits or preferences.

  2. Determine the Degree of Agreement: For each statement, decide how much it matches your personality. Use the following scale:

    • 0: Strongly Disagree
    • 1: Disagree
    • 2: Slightly Disagree
    • 3: Neutral
    • 4: Agree
    • 5: Strongly Agree
  3. Assign a Value: Assign a value from 0 to 5 for each statement based on your level of agreement.

  4. Enter the Score: Write the score of each statement in the box provided to the left of the statement.

  5. Tally the Totals: Add up all the scores to get your total score.

  6. Interpret Your Score:

    • Scores Above 35: A total score above 35 indicates a high probability that you will successfully enjoy activities or careers related to the personality traits described in the assessment. (The closer to 50 the higher the probability of career satisfaction)
  7. Research Career Matches: Using the insights from your personality assessment, start researching careers that align with your personality traits. This will help you find career paths that are likely to be fulfilling and enjoyable for you.

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