Trait - C

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  1. Imaginative and Innovative: Creative individuals have a vivid imagination and are able to think outside the box. They often come up with new ideas and approaches that others might not consider.
  2. Curious and Inquisitive: They possess a strong sense of curiosity and a desire to learn about the world around them. This often leads them to explore new subjects, ask questions, and seek out new experiences.
  3. Open to New Experiences: Creative people are usually open-minded and willing to try new things. They embrace change and are not afraid to step out of their comfort zone.
  4. Intuitive: They rely on their intuition and gut feelings when making decisions. This can lead them to take risks that others might avoid but often results in unique and original outcomes.
  5. Passionate and Enthusiastic: Creative individuals are deeply passionate about their interests and pursuits. This passion drives them to dedicate time and energy to their creative endeavors.
  6. Playful and Humorous: They often have a playful attitude and a good sense of humor. This playfulness can spark creativity and lead to novel ideas.
  7. Sensitive and Perceptive: Creative people tend to be more sensitive and perceptive to their surroundings. They notice details and nuances that others might overlook.
  8. Independent and Nonconformist: They value their independence and often resist conforming to societal norms. This independence allows them to think freely and express themselves authentically.
  9. Resilient and Persistent: Despite facing challenges and setbacks, creative individuals show resilience and persistence. They view failures as learning opportunities and continue to pursue their goals.
  10. Reflective and Thoughtful: They spend time reflecting on their thoughts and experiences. This introspection helps them gain deeper insights and develop their creative ideas further.
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