Trait - S

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  1. Assertive and Confident: They exude confidence and are very self-assured. They are not afraid to speak their mind and take charge of situations.
  2. Decisive: They are quick to make decisions and take action. They do not hesitate or second-guess themselves, preferring to move forward assertively.
  3. Ambitious: They set high goals for themselves and are determined to achieve them. Their ambition drives them to work hard and push through obstacles.
  4. Leadership-Oriented: They naturally gravitate towards leadership roles and enjoy being in positions of authority. They are often seen as leaders in their professional and personal lives.
  5. Authoritative: They have a commanding presence and expect others to follow their lead. They can be quite persuasive and often influence others to adopt their point of view.
  6. Resilient and Persistent: They do not easily give up in the face of adversity. Their resilience allows them to overcome challenges and setbacks with determination.
  7. Goal-Oriented: They are highly focused on achieving their objectives and often have a clear plan for how to reach their goals. They prioritize tasks that align with their ambitions.
  8. Strategic Thinkers: They are adept at formulating and executing strategies that maximize their chances of success. They think several steps ahead and anticipate potential challenges.
  9. High Standards: They set high standards for themselves and others. They expect excellence and can be demanding in their pursuit of perfection.
  10. Fearless and Risk-Taking: They are willing to take risks to achieve their goals. Their fearlessness often leads them to pursue bold and unconventional paths.
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