
  1. Job Posting: The process starts with the employer posting a job opening on their ATS. They enter details about the job, including the job title, description, qualifications, and application instructions. This information is then published on the company’s careers page or various job boards.
  2. Resume Submission: Job seekers interested in the position submit their applications electronically through the ATS. This typically involves uploading their resume and, in some cases, filling out additional application forms or answering specific questions related to the job.
  3. Resume Parsing: When a candidate submits their application, the ATS uses a technology called “resume parsing” to extract and categorize relevant information from the resume, such as contact details, work experience, education, skills, and more. This data is then stored in a structured format within the system.
  4. Database Storage: The ATS stores all applicant data in a centralized database. This database becomes a valuable resource for the organization, as it allows them to maintain a historical record of applicants, track their progress, and quickly access candidate information when needed.
  5. Candidate Screening: Employers can define specific criteria or keywords related to the job opening. The ATS uses these criteria to automatically filter and rank applicants based on their qualifications. Candidates who meet the initial screening criteria move on to the next stage of the hiring process, while those who don’t may receive rejection notifications automatically.
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